One of our principals, Richard Nemeth, made a presentation at the annual workshop conducted by the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys last week. NACBA is the only national organization that represents consumer bankruptcy attorneys and their clients. NACBA holds 2 conventions each year where nationally-known experts in the field of consumer bankruptcy make training presentations to other attorneys Mr. Nemeth was asked by NACBA to discuss the initial meeting with a potential bankruptcy client, how to assess the client’s goals and whether an attorney…

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7 Things Not To Do

Below is a list of common mistakes made by consumers prior to filing bankruptcy. These mistakes can results in significant financial detriment, so take the time now to learn what not to do before filing bankruptcy: 1. DO NOT TRANSFER PROPERTY OUT OF YOUR NAME! Many people transfer property out of their names just prior to filing bankruptcy on the incorrect belief that if they do not own the property at the time of filing, the trustee will be unable to take it from them.…

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